Tile of Spain announces Coverings 2015 activities

Tile of Spain is pleased to be part of Coverings 2015 and announces activities in the Spain Pavilion. Visitors will witness some of the most advanced ceramic tile technology and breathtaking design choices the world has to offer from over 75 Spanish ceramic and stone manufacturers.
The Tile of Spain booth, #1803, holds a variety of literature, including directories to the must-see Spanish tile exhibitors at Coverings, and the latest issue of Ceraspaña, Tile of Spain’s quarterly magazine.
Presentations and videos will run throughout the show, including Tile of Spain’s award-winning architectural and design projects and an overview of Tile of Spain manufacturers’ achievements featuring beautiful design and products with unsurpassed quality, durability and versatility.
Every afternoon of Coverings enjoy our Spanish hospitality with a selection of tapas.

Presentations in the Spanish Pavilion  (#1803) include:
Tradewinds: Consumer Climate 2015
Tuesday, April 14: 12 PM and 1 PM
Thursday, April 16: 12 PM
Friday, April 17: 12 PM
Innovative production solutions, collaborative design, no-nonsense cost of living & nearly unlimited durability have made ceramics the go-to material for many more people today. The prevailing winds are filling our sails but if we don’t have the rigging set right we cannot take advantage. We are in the tile industry because we all believe that tile is the perfect solution for most of our clients today but are we making that knowledge available?  
Join us on the Spanish pavilion as we explore key consumer profiles for our industry in 2015, their buying patterns, critical concerns, and how to best approach them with our information to get the message heard. The winds are changing now and tile consumption is on a dramatic rise in many markets today, don’t be left on the dock!

Savvy Timelessness: 2015 Trends & Innovations in Ceramics
Wednesday, April 15: 12:15 PM
Thursday, April 16: 1 PM
In any fashion industry, technology from past & present dictate the limits of design and thus prevailing trends. Most of us never know what we want until we see it – the challenging task of the ceramist is to tweak current production capabilities to provide consumers with something that fits the ineffable sweet spot of perfection within the currently trending meta of design. That sweet spot is different for ceramics than any other material due to its longevity; our products must take the long view on trends and strive for what I call savvy timelessness.
Ceramics are uniquely suited today to cater to the macro trends due to the balanced marriage of modern innovations with centuries of artisanal history and experience. Join us on the Spanish pavilion as we explore overarching macro trends through the lens of modern ceramics. Colors, textures formats and inspiration conspire within ceramics today to provide us with everything we need to express our own individual style in a timeless way. Come get inspired!
Once again, ASCER, the Professional Association of Ceramic Tile Manufacturers from Spain, and ICEX Spain Trade and Investment organize the 2015 Tile of Spain Pavilion. For more information, contact info@tileofspainusa.com or visit tileofspainusa.com.
To visit the Tile of Spain Pavilion and participate in their activities, register for Coverings 2015 for free now.