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Tiled Doghouses at Coverings 2018

Back by popular demand, Tile Council of North America (TCNA) and its members are teaming up once again to create tiled doghouses for Coverings!

During Coverings 2018 in Atlanta (May 8-11), beautiful, one of a kind, doghouses tiled by TCNA members (along with some furry friends from a local pet charity!), will be on display in the TCNA Art Tile Courtyard, booth 7249. After the show, the doghouses will be donated to the pet charity during a ceremony in the Art Tile Courtyard on Thursday, May 10.

The forms used to make these doghouses were manufactured by Wedi Corp. (booth #7109) and contributed by Wedi Corp. and TCNA.

Last year’s doghouses were a big hit with attendees, so stop by, meet a new four-legged friend, and enjoy these lovingly handcrafted works of art. We triple-dog-dare you.